Monday, August 15, 2011

Discipline in Spending

You have to believe in your product.  My Dad believed in the sizzler steak he invented and he stood by it.  Our Congress should believe in capitalism and the free enterprise system and stand by it.  In my opinion, the $787 billion stimulus package should not have happened.  Our Country can't afford it, let free enterprise prevail, it will if we don't strangle it.  When Bin Laden took down the Twin Towers he did it to hurt our Country's economy.  The Taliban can retire now because they have our own politicians hurting our economy with their over spending.  They are taking over Bin Laden's job.  Does this sound strong?  I know, it does to me, too, but am I wrong?  No.

As a small businessman I have to make spending choices everyday, one of my choices is to sweep my parking lot myself to save money.  Everyday my spending decisions are about the survival of "my baby," my small business.  I don't think Congress has the same feeling about our money.  Maybe while I'm sweeping my parking lot I should throw my broom into my truck and drive to Washington D.C. and sweep out all of the free spending congressmen who don't treat it like their own money.  Congress needs more Tommy Brann's in D.C.  If I were there I would sign a contract saying Washington D.C. would not change me and if any of my constituents saw a change in me I would welcome a kick in the butt from them.  Our Country deserves discipline in spending and people who go there to serve our Country and not themselves.

We don't just need common "sense" from a politician; we need to save "cents" from politicians.

Wearing an apron and likes to serve.
Tommy Brann